EuBEA 2014: Kdo slavil? (kompletní výsledky)
Přinášíme kompletní výsledky letošního ročníku EuBEA. EuBea 2014 První cena Agentura: 27 Names - Magic Garden Klient: Ministerstvo obrany Francie Event: The International Commemorative Ceremony of the 70th anniversary of Normandy Landings Kategorie: Celebration / Festivity Země: Francie EuBea 2014 Druhá cena Agentura: ubi bene Klient: adidas Event: all in or nothing Kategorie: Sport Event Země: Francie EuBea 2014 Třetí cena Klient: Nike Global Event: Nike Run Viking #runfree Kategorie: Integrated Event Země: Švédsko —————————————— Speciální cena poroty Agentura: Balich Worldwide Shows Event: Sochi 2014 závěrečný ceremoniál paralympisjkých her ——————————- BEST CREATIVITY 1. Agentura: 27 Names - Magic Garden Klient: Ministerstvo obrany Francie Event: Mezinárodní ceremoniál k 70. výročí vylodění v Normandii 2. Agentura: insglück Gesellschaft für Markeninszenierung mbH Klient: Union Asset Management Holding AG Event: Odborná konference a gala ‘InvestmentAktuell 2014’ – “Amazingly simple. Simply amazing 3. Agentura: BBDO Live Klient: Daimler AG, smart Deutschland Event: smart DJ – První světová jízda na gramofonu ——————————— BEST EXECUTION 1. Agentura: 27 Names - Magic Garden Klient: Ministerstvo obrany Francie Event: Mezinárodní ceremoniál k 70. výročí vylodění v Normandii 2. Agentura: Medialaan nv Klient: VTM Event: 25 let VTM: Een Dikke Merci Vol Magie 3. Agentura: PS Communication Denmark Klient: Maersk Line Event: Bringing You The World ——————————- BEST CHANNEL STRATEGY 1. Agentura: A Loud Minority / Conscious Minds Klient: Nike Global Event: Nike Run Viking #runfree 2. Agentura: BBDO Live Klient: Daimler AG, smart Deutschland Event: smart DJ – První světová jízda na gramofonu 3. Agentura: Heineken & United State of Fans/TBWA (Agentura) Klient: Heineken Event: The Heineken Ibiza Final ——————————- BEST EFFECTIVENESS 1. Agentura: 27 Names - Magic Garden Klient: Ministerstvo obrany Francie Event: Mezinárodní ceremoniál k 70. výročí vylodění v Normandii 2. Agentura: PS Communication Denmark Klient: Maersk Line Event: Bringing You The World 3. Agentura: Vagedes & Schmid GmbH Klient: AIDS-Hilfe Hamburg e.V. Event: Take a position – Traffic Light Kamasutra (Zaujměte polohu – Kamasutra na semaforech pro chodce) ——————————- B2B EVENT 1. Agentura: onliveline GmbH – office for concept & staging Klient: Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (association of applied science) Event:Fraunhofer Jahrestagung 2014 // Fraunhofer Award Ceremony 2014 2. Agentura: New Balls Please / Berlin Klient: Callebaut Event:Opening Callebaut chocolat academy 3. Agentura: MCI Deutschland GmbH Klient: Robert Bosch GmbH Event:Bosch Cordless Technology Summit 2014 ——————————- B2C EVENT 1. Agentura: BBDO Live Klient: Daimler AG, smart Deutschland Event: smart DJ – První světová jízda na gramofonu 2. Agentura: Filmmaster Events Klient: Ferrero Spa – Nutella Event:Happy Birthday Nutella (oslava 50. výročí Nutelly) 3. Agentura: Desafio Global Ativism Klient: Energias de Portugal, S.A. Event:EDP Brand Activation at Music Festivals ——————————- B2I / CONVENTION 1. Agentura: Move People & Experience Communication Klient: Heineken Event: Sol Independence Day 2. Agentura: Grupo Sorensen Sba, SL Klient: Altadis Event:Altadis annual convention 2013 3. Agentura: Eventisimo Klient: Oriflame Sweden Event: Oriflame e Cis Gold Conference 2013 ——————————- CELEBRATION / FESTIVITY 1. Agentura: 27 Names - Magic Garden Klient: Ministerstvo obrany Francie Event: Mezinárodní ceremoniál k 70. výročí vylodění v Normandii 2. Agentura: Medialaan nv Klient: VTM Event:25 years VTM: Een Dikke Merci Vol Magie 3. Agentura: Heineken & United State of Fans/TBWA (Agentura) Klient: Heineken Event: The Heineken Ibiza Final ——————————- CONGRESS / CONFERENCE 1. Agentura: insglück Gesellschaft für Markeninszenierung mbH Klient: Union Asset Management Holding AG Event: Odborná konference a gala ‘InvestmentAktuell 2014’ – ‘Amazing simple. Simply amazing’ 2. Agentura: George P Johnson Klient: Cisco Event:Cisco Live! 2014 3. Agentura: AIM Group Spain, S.L. Klient: ATCA (Air Traffic Control Association) and Canso (Civil Air Navigation Services Organization) Event: World ATM Congress 2014 ——————————- CULTURAL EVENT 1. Agentura: Xsaga Klient: Mauritshuis Event: Otevření Mauritshuis 2. Agentura: George P. Johnson Klient: Evening Standard Event: Get Reading ——————————- HYBRID EVENT 1. Agentura: Le Public Système / Wunderman / Brainsonic Klient: Microsoft France Event: Microsoft TechDays 2014 2. Agentura: George P. Johnson Klient: Cisco Event: Cisco GSX 3. Agentura: Filmmaster Events Klient: Ferrero Spa – Nutella Event: Happy Birthday Nutella ——————————- INCENTIVE EVENT 1. Agentura: 27Names – MaxiMice Klient: Johnson & Johnson Event:Winter Tale – Summer Ice of Norvegian Journeys ——————————- INTEGRATED EVENT 1. Agentura: A Loud Minority / Conscious Minds Klient: Nike Global Event:Nike Run Viking #runfree 2. Agentura: Pure Perfection GmbH Klient: Audi AG Event:Audi Opening Event CES, Las Vegas 3. Agentura: A+A Communication Klient: Volvo Trucks Corporation, Asia/Pacific Event: The New Volvo Truck Range, Product Experience 2014 ——————————- LAUNCH EVENT 1. Agentura: PS Communication Denmark Klient: Maersk Line Event: Bringing You The World 2. Agentura: Filmmaster Events Klient: Ford of Europe Event: Transit Go Further 2014 3. Agentura: Le Public Système Klient: Nissan Europe Event: Nissan eNV200 Live Event ——————————- MUSICAL EVENT 1. Agentura: Filmmaster Events Klient: Ferrero Spa – Nutella Event: Happy Birthday Nutella 2. Agentura/Klient: Banca Mediolanum SpA Event: Mediolanum Music Box 3. Agentura: Agencja Live, TBWA PR Klient: Grupa Zywiec Event: Meskie Granie 2014 ——————————- NON PROFIT EVENT 1. Agentura: Vagedes & Schmid GmbH Klient: AIDS-Hilfe Hamburg e.V. Event:Take a position – Traffic Light Kamasutra 2. Agentura: Joke Event AG Klient: EFCNI / Drägerwerk AG Event: Socks for life by EFCNI 3. Agentura: 27 Names - Sinergie Klient: Fly for Peace Promotional Committee Event: Fly for Peace ——————————- PUBLIC EVENT 1. Agentura: Atölye Grup – Yolculuk Atölyesi Turizm Organizasyon Prodüksiyon Tic.Ltd.Sti Klient: Turkey Golf Federation Event: Tiger Woods’s Cross-Continental Golf Shot 2. Agentura: ARC – Desafio Global Ativism Klient: ARC – NOS – Cascais Municipal Council Event:NOS Air Race Championship 3. Agentura: Acciona Producciones y Diseño (APD) Klient: City Hall of San Sebastian Event: 1813-2013 Bicentenary: 200 years building San Sebastian ——————————- ROADSHOW 1. Agentura: Creative Pro, s.r.o. Klient: Microsoft Slovakia s.r.o. Event: Office2Go – 1st B2B Live! Roadshow 2. Agentura/Klient: UniCredit Event: UEFA Champions League Trophy Tour presented by UniCredit 3. Agentura: Heineken & United State of Fans/TBWA (Agentura) Klient: Heineken Event: Heineken Trophy Experience ——————————- SPORT EVENT 1. Agentura: ubi bene Klient: adidas Event: all in or nothing 2. Agentura: Czech Olympic Committee + AV Media Klient: Czech Olympic Committee Event: Olympijský park Sochi – Letna 2014 3. Agentura: Heineken & United State of Fans/TBWA (Agentura) Klient: Heineken Event: Heineken Trophy Experience ——————————- SUSTAINABLE EVENT Agentura: Creative Pro, s.r.o. Klient: RWE IT Slovakia, s.r.o. (from june 2014 FPT SLovakia, s.r.o.) Event: RWE IT Slovakia ‘Gives Back Wings’ ——————————- TEAMBUILDING 1. Agentura: d-side group Klient: ING (banking) Event: ING Day – Going for 2015! Your step makes the difference 2. Agentura: Desafio Global Ativism Klient: Heineken Group in Portugal (SCC – Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas, S.A.) Event: ‘Just Do It’ 3. Agentura: Joke Event AG Klient: Dentsu Aegis Network Germany GmbH Event: Dentsu open-air festival ——————————- TRADE SHOW Agentura: Jack Morton Worldwide Klient: Ericsson Event: Ericsson at Mobile World Congress ——————————- NEJLEPŠÍ KLIENT Ferrero ——————————- NEJLEPŠÍ AGENTURA 1) 27Names 2) Filmmaster Events 2) Creative Pro 3) ubi bene ——————————- NEJLEPŠÍ TECHNOLOGICKÁ INOVACE Agentura: onlive GmbH – office for concept & staging Event: fraunhofer jahrestagung 2014 // fraunhofer award ceremony 2014 ——————————- CENA DELEGÁTŮ Agentura: Nine Yards Event: We are giants ——————————- NEJLEPŠÍ VYUŽITÍ PROSTORU Agentura: 27 Names – Magic Garden Event: Mezinárodní ceremoniál k 70. výročí vylodění v Normandii ——————————- CREATIVE DIRECTOR Beatrix Mourer z 27Names – Magic Garden ——————————- BEST EVALUATION AWARD Agentura: UniCredit Event: Uefa Champions League Trophy Tour presented by UniCredit ——————————- NEJLEPŠÍ NÍZKONÁKLADOVÝ EVENT Agentura: Creative Pro Event: RWE IT Slovakia ‘Gives Back Wings’ Dělené s: Agentura: move people & experience communication Event:Sol independence day
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